
My Home is in the chipped paint on my floorboards, and on the wall of my grandma's paintings
Home is in the houses and places from the book my brothers and I read before 9
Home is in the little market in Kings Canyon, Lunchables and all
Home is in being the first girl born in the family in 59 years
Home is the beach house my cousins and I go to every Labor Day
Home is in going to the school my brother went to, and my grandma taught at
Home is in the chair in my room, 5 generations down
Home is in the impromptu dance breaks in the kitchen
Home is in the grief my family and suffered a year ago
Home is in the spicy aroma of garlic and olives when my parents make pasta
Home is in the infectious laughter that floats when I'm with my friends
Home is anywhere and everywhere
Home is in the little things anywhere I go

--Cecilia G., 6th-8th Grade